Things to do


Whilst there are many, many things to do, activities and attractions in and around Scarborough that you can explore and discover, or browse on the likes of TripAdvisor, we have curated our favourites below that we think are the pick of the crop. Let us know through our visitor book and Instagram what your favourite Scarborough activities are.



The most lovely, quiet part of the town’s beach is just a 10 minute walk from Scarborough House, down winding paths through the Italian Gardens. You could also take the historic tram down the cliffside. Walk along the seafront from here to the bustling centre of South Bay beach, or hop on the open top bus to zip around the Marine Drive to North Bay beach.


Mountain Biking

We’re a family of thrill seekers and Dalby Forest offers some of the best mountain biking trails in the country, as well as cycling routes for all abilities and tastes. With on-site bike hire and a great cafe, the forest provides for an epic day out in the saddle.



Just a 15 minute walk down to the historic Spa and you can hire a stand up paddleboard or surfboard or take a lesson with the really friendly surf coach. It’s excellent fun and great value too.

Fine Dining

As a family, we can’t get enough of one of our favourite restaurant, The Star Inn, over in Harome. Definitely worth the drive over for a beautiful meal after a day exploring the moors, Helmsley or perhaps as a reward for completing the Cleveland Way?! They certainly put the star in Michelin. The Pheasant Hotel in the village is also absolutely worth the journey.


Open Air Theatre!

What’s on at Scarborough Open Air Theatre during your stay? The outdoor concert arena is a fantastic night out! Here’s Nile enjoying his first post-lockdown concert in August 2021!